Job Experience


07/2024 - Present

Full Stack Devloper

200Ok Solutions

11/2023 - 07/2024

Front end developer

Mototive Web Solution

09/2022 - 10/2023

Software engineer intern

Mototive Web Solution



Tech stack I've explored and worked with

  • JavaScriptJavaScript
  • TypeScriptTypeScript
  • React.jsReact.js
  • Vue.jsVue.js
  • Next.jsNext.js
  • Node.jsNode.js
  • Nest.jsNest.js
  • GraphQLGraphQL
  • GitGit
  • PythonPython
  • GoGo
  • CypressCypress
  • PiniaPinia
  • TailwindTailwind
  • MongodbMongodb
  • Projects

    Some of the projects are open-source gems, and the others? Well, let's just say I fumbled my way through and somehow made them.

    Python Image Processing


    This Streamlit application allows users to capture an image using their webcam or upload image and apply various image processing techniques


    Landing Page in Next,js


    This is a simple landing page designed for a website that was intended to read PDFs and generate summaries. The landing page was built purely for practice and was not used in a live project.


    Find A Coach


    Find a Coach is a web application built with Vue.js, JavaScript, and Vuex for state management. The platform allows students to browse a list of coaches and contact them via email.


    Cuttle Cards


    I had the amazing opportunity to contribute to an open-source project for the first time! A huge thanks to Aleph for his patience, support, and valuable insights he truly made this an incredible learning experience. This contribution has motivated me to explore and contribute more to open-source projects in the future!


    Scroll Bar


    I had the opportunity to contribute to another open-source project by adding a Dark/Light theme toggle feature! This was an exciting challenge that helped me improve my understanding of theme management and user experience.The project,, is a simple yet powerful web app that helps developers design and implement custom scrollbars with ease.
